Discovery Point Blog

March 1, 2018

Spring Snacks for Family Fun

As the temperatures change and the seasonal produce transitions, it’s a great opportunity to revitalize your family’s snack options. Kids love routine, but the same snacks can become mundane enough to cause many youngsters to stare aimlessly into the fridge. Sometimes, those old snack options become more interesting with just a little twist. Variety provides some great opportunities to reinforce your child’s learning as well.

Cool Treats and Teachable Moments

Because the spring is a time of warmer temperatures, it’s the perfect opportunity to try some new cold snacks. Some of the simplest choices can be put together in advance for easy access when your child just needs a little pick-me-up. Consider the following simple recipe.

Frozen S’mores


  • One 8-ounce container of Cool Whip or similar non-dairy topping, thawed
  • 1 cup miniature chocolate chips
  • One to two sleeves graham crackers

Mix mini chocolate chips into the whipped topping. Spoon the mixture onto graham cracker squares, and cover with additional graham cracker squares. A thin layer of the whipped topping mixture will allow you to make more frozen s’mores, but a thick topping layer may be appealing to your youngster. Layer the frozen s’mores on a cookie sheet that is lined with waxed paper or parchment paper, and freeze at least 30 minutes. You can wrap frozen s’mores individually in foil or plastic to store in your freezer.

Use this treat as an opportunity to discuss opposites. Frozen is the opposite of melted. Spring is the opposite of fall. Talk about ways to improvise on your next batch as you add frozen blueberries, colored sprinkles, or food coloring.

Healthy and Fun

Make an ant trail on a cracker, apple slice, or piece of celery. Spread the base food with peanut butter or cream cheese, and use raisins to represent the ants. Use fruit slices to create fun artwork that is good for both you and your youngster. Make a banana split using a banana and your child’s favorite yogurt. These simple twists on common snack foods can turn a blah moment into a moment of awe for your child.

Grab and Go

It’s easy to carry a bag of cereal pieces or a package of granola bars as you leave the house to run errands. However, you can easily turn your on-the-go snacks into fun surprises. Consider gorp, a personally designed and homemade trail mix, as a new go-to option, but add fun foods to your pantry so that you can create the perfect mix. Try dried fruits like Craisins or banana chips. Add mini marshmallows in different colors for encouraging flavor and color identification. Use fish-shaped crackers or animal crackers as primary components to ensure a bit of substance. During the cooler days of spring, some carob chips or coated chocolate candies are appropriate.

Do you need something filling to tide your child over until the next meal? Take peanut butter burritos along. A flour tortilla spread with peanut butter and filled with a few slices of banana will be healthy, filling, and most importantly, tasty. You can also put these together the night before.

Celebrate Spring with Fruit and Fondue

A chocolate fondue can be a fun way to enjoy some of the best spring flavors. Cut chunks of pineapple and banana. Wash and dry strawberries. Melt white or dark chocolate chips in the microwave in 30-second increments, stirring in between until the chips are completely melted. Use toothpicks to dip fruity chunks into the chocolate.

Spring is a season of discovery, especially where foods are concerned. Great nutrition and fun ideas can encourage your child, supporting the learning that takes place at Discovery Point during the season.