
Since 1988, Discovery Point child development centers have been committed to a single idea: children thrive if they are guided in an environment of love and nurturing. That simple but profound notion compelled us to create a place where children could develop and play emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially with courage.

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More Than Just Child Care. A Point of Discovery.

Our approach understands that each child learns from his or her life experience—there’s no compartmentalization or “learning time.” Children are constantly learning, through books and puzzles, through playtime and meals, and through art and activities.

From preschool to after-school care for 12-year-olds, all of our programs are bound together by our central values: individual attention and strong family partnership.

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Curiosity is the Foundation of Children’s Learning.

When children can explore their world, they become problem solvers and independent thinkers. At Discovery Point, we understand that children learn best by being able to observe, question, and play in learning rich environments. No two children learn alike, so no two children are taught alike. We focus on each child’s individual interests and learning styles so that they gain confidence with each new success. We do this by developing strong partnerships with our families and allowing each child to grow and flourish in their own unique way.

Come discover your child’s potential. The possibilities are endless.

Why Does Our Philosophy Matter?

Because the earlier a child understands love, self-worth, and care, the healthier and better off he or she will be. Talents, skills, and knowledge can be developed at any age. Emotional and social health, however, begins as soon as a child becomes self-aware—that education is what Discovery Point offers to our children and their families.

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Our early childhood teachers implement research-based curriculum and a child-centered instructional approach for every age and stage of development — it is not simply “daycare.”

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